Fact Sheet: Developing Training and Assessment Strategies

This Training Accreditation Council (TAC) fact sheet explores processes for designing training and assessment strategies, guiding principles, what informs the development of the strategy, and incorporating industry engagement, learner needs and amount of training into the strategy.

Last updated: 24 November 2023


  1. The lifecycle of a training product
  2. Guiding principles for developing the strategy
  3. What informs the development of the training and assessment strategy?
  4. When do RTOs develop a training and assessment strategy?
  5. A focus on industry engagement
  6. A focus on identifying learner needs
  7. A focus on the amount of training
  8. In summary
  9. Components of the training and assessment strategy
  10. Related services and information

The training and assessment strategy comprises critical information, as it describes how an RTO will deliver and assess the training product for their learner cohort (Clauses 1.1 and 1.2 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015). The purpose of the strategy is to ensure:

The primary audience of the training and assessment strategy are trainers and assessors. Whilst this fact sheet may imply the strategy to be one single document, equally, the strategy may take the form of various documentation, which together form the complete strategy.

An example training and assessment strategy (TAS) has also been provided. Please note that this is an example only which will need to be adapted to suit each RTO. Using this example does not guarantee compliance.

The lifecycle of a training product

The delivery and assessment of a training product is driven by a clear need of industry and the delivery and assessment has a life cycle.

Not surprisingly, the training and assessment strategy will also be revisited many times over. The lifecycle of a training product is a living guidance document for the RTO and for the trainers and assessors in the organisation.

Guiding principles for developing the strategy

1. The strategy should be considered holistically

When RTOs develop strategy documents, a holistic approach is required. The development process should consider the impact of all decisions made by the RTO on each aspect of the approach and the result should be a well-reasoned strategy to manage the delivery and assessment through the training product lifecycle.

2. The strategy should be a useful guidance document for trainers and assessors

The strategy document should be the starting point for all trainers and assessors and clearly and accurately describe how the specific training product will be delivered for the specified learner cohort. It should tell the trainer/assessor what to do and how to do it. If the ‘how’ is not in the strategy document, the strategy should point the trainer/assessor to the documents where the information can be found. If delivery modes change, then a new strategy document will be needed. The RTO should not include unnecessary information or generic overarching statements in the strategy documents. These add no value for the user of the document.

3. The strategy and its implementation should be relevant to industry and reflect current industry practice

The RTO’s delivery of training products should meet industry need. Engagement with industry throughout the design and development process ensures that the approach used by the RTO is likely to meet the need that has been identified.

4. The strategy should meet the needs of the learner cohort

To be an effective training and assessment approach, the RTO must consider the needs of the learner cohort. When RTOs do this, participation and success rates in the course rise as does the quality of the training delivered. RTOs may need to develop different strategies for different learner cohorts. If the learner cohort changes, then a new strategy document is needed.

5. The strategy should drive quality practice

When RTOs follow each of the above guidelines, they produce a quality outcome, for the learner, for the trainer/ assessor, for industry, and the community.

What informs the development of the training and assessment strategy?

The training product is the cornerstone resource to inform the development of the strategy. It expresses the nationally agreed workplace outcome that is to be achieved by a program.

Endorsed Components

The endorsed components of the Training Package are:

The Unit of Competency and Assessment Requirements

The Unit of Competency specifies the standards of performance required in the workplace as defined in a training package or accredited course. This includes the elements and performance criteria for the unit as well as the foundations skills.

The Assessment Requirements detail the knowledge evidence and performance evidence that must be observed to make a judgement about an individual’s competence. It also details any requirements that must be in place for the assessment process. This might include access to specific facilities or equipment, requirements for assessors, and information about the context and frequency of performance required to support an assessment decision. The documents must be read and be considered together to inform the development of the training and assessment strategy and materials in RTOs*.

Foundation skills encompass the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) five core skills, plus the Core Skills for Work Framework.

All job tasks and all units of competency include foundation skills – almost everything we do in the workplace has something to do with learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy. It could be having a conversation with a client or a colleague, completing an observation record, working to a schedule or reading workplace health and safety information. The RTO must adopt an approach to define foundation skills in their training.

The RTO will need to review the Training Package to see what information is available to assist in appropriately targeting the learner cohort’s learning and assessment requirements.

The Qualification Framework

The Qualification Framework tells RTOs the rules around how to structure the training product (qualification, skill set, unit of competency) to be delivered. Components of the qualification framework include:

Credit arrangements specify details of existing credit arrangements between vocational and higher education qualifications in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Non-endorsed Components

Training Packages include non-endorsed components, known as companion volumes. Some Training Packages call their companion volumes “Implementation Guides”. These are documents that have been developed to assist the RTO to understand and implement the endorsed components of the Training Package.

When do RTOs develop a training and assessment strategy?

RTOs are required to develop a training and assessment strategy when:

A Training Product is offered by the RTO. This can be:

A focus on industry engagement

Industry is a key consumer of the outputs of the VET system. They employ the people who complete nationally recognised qualifications and are major users of the training products and services offered by RTOs.

It’s vital to engage with industry throughout the lifecycle of a training product to ensure quality training and assessment is in line with industry requirements and that it is appropriate for their needs. This builds confidence in the decisions made by RTOs and enhances the standing of qualifications delivered through the national training system. Industry ‘owns’ the qualifications, skill sets and specific units of competency that RTOs deliver. These are set through the industry developed Training Packages or accredited courses. When an RTO issues a certificate, it should reassure industry that the training and assessment provided is relevant and meets its expectations. Industry engagement is a strategy to provide a direct relationship between the RTO and the industry it serves for the mutual benefit and confidence of each party.

If you consider industry engagement in the lifecycle diagram, it is clear that it underpins all the RTO does and therefore, to be effective an RTO needs a strategic approach to determining who they engage with, how they engage and when they engage.

A strategic approach forges strong relationships between the RTO and their stakeholders and is one in which RTOs directly engage those enterprises/industry stakeholders that can add most value to the RTO’s training and assessment strategies. Consultations with other stakeholders are then conducted to confirm the outcomes of initial consultations, test ideas, gather additional information, and confirm that the training and assessment approach that they are planning is supported by industry. Further information on this topic can be accessed via the TAC Fact Sheet on Industry Engagement.



Newton Baga Building Training offer CPC40110 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building). They have traditionally offered the qualification through a classroom-based program with work placements for new entrants into the industry. New entrants are often beginning tradespeople who are aiming to set up their own business. Newton Baga have been approached by ‘BIG Building Company’ to provide training to their building supervisors, who are very experienced tradespeople and supervisors but do not hold formal qualifications.

Newton Baga has developed two training and assessment strategies for the qualification, a part-time classroom-based program for new entrants as well as an RPL and gap workplace training program for Big Building supervisors. The initial consultation with BIG Building also led to the two cohorts having different choices for the three elective units allowed by the qualification.

  1. BSBLDR403 Promote team effectiveness
  2. BSBITU202 Create and use spreadsheets
  3. BSBSMB402 Plan small business finances
  1. CPCCBC4018A Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to building and construction projects
  2. CPCCBC4026A Arrange building applications and approvals
  3. BSBPMG411 Apply project quality management techniques

A focus on identifying learner needs

Each individual learner and each learner cohort will have specific needs that may impact the design and development for the delivery and assessment of a Training Product. The Standards for RTOs include several clauses that ensure that the learner needs are identified and responded to. These needs may be related to:

The RTO will use the information about the learners to ensure the approach that is planned will maximise participation and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes for the learners. Generally, the RTO will build a profile for the learner cohort. Enrolment processes such as collecting AVETMISS data provide a very high-level indication of the characteristics of the cohort. Further processes such as LLN testing and entry interviews or discussions add detail to the picture that is being created. Once training has commenced, evidence of individual needs can be gleaned from indicators of progress, feedback, complaints and appeals.

There are many resources available to RTOs to assist in determining approaches that will be effective for different learners. NCVER for example has a range of research information and case studies that can be accessed and used by RTOs to inform practice.

A learner’s needs can change, or may not be revealed, until tested by the rigours of training, so it is important RTOs monitor each individual’s progress and keep support services open and accessible throughout the term of the learner’s enrolment. The approach that was originally planned in the training and assessment strategy will therefore also evolve as the program is implemented. Further information on this topic can be accessed via the TAC Fact Sheet on Learner Needs.



Newton Baga Building Training have two programs for the CPC40110 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) qualification to meet the needs of two specific learner cohorts.

New Entrants to the Industry

New entrants to the industry are typically learners who have just completed their trade qualification and want to become a registered builder. This cohort are employed full time or under contract agreements with larger builders and therefore have no capacity to attend a full-time program. The face to face program offered by the RTO has been structured to be conducted part time in the evenings and does not use clustered units as they become too demanding for the cohort to complete. The group also do not have strong computer literacy skills and experience with spreadsheets and project tools used by builders. The structure of the qualification has included units that will develop these skills and the learning program is based upon a simulated building company so that the learners can apply the knowledge and skill in a low risk environment to develop confidence. The group responds well to a classroom-based approach as they form a supportive cohort.

BIG Building Supervisors

BIG Building supervisors are industry experts. They have on average worked for more than 20 years in the building industry. Most hold trade qualifications and two are quantity surveyors. All have been supervisors for at least 10 years. Newton Baga has spent time interviewing the supervisors and all have expressed concern about returning to a classroom as many did not have positive experiences of schooling. Given the experience of the group and their aversion to a classroom approach, it has been determined that an RPL pathway will be used. Newton Baga will allocate a trainer/assessor to each supervisor and they will spend time on site with the supervisor collecting evidence of the supervisor’s competence. Any gap training that is required will be done one on one in their workplace. There is one supervisor who has identified that she has dyslexia. She has explained that it is more effective for her to receive information verbally rather than in traditional text-based forms. For example, she has explained that leaving her a voicemail is more effective than sending her an email. When she does need to use text-based documents it is helpful for her to use mind maps and flow charts. The RTO is able to accommodate these needs easily and is working with her trainer/assessor and employer to ensure that she is supported throughout the program.

Newton Baga is also scheduling mentor days on Saturdays where participants from both groups can attend. The sessions will be staffed by a minimum of two trainers and assessors and participants are able to gain feedback, assistance, and support in an informal environment to progress their learning.

A focus on the amount of training

Amount of training is a term that is not formally defined in the Standards for RTOs. There are also other terms that are used in VET that overlap with the concept of amount of training. Further information on this topic can be accessed via the TAC Fact Sheet on Amount of Training.

The amount of training for a training product is impacted by the needs of the learner and the choices an RTO makes about the training approach that will be effective for them. When an RTO determines the amount of training for a training product, they consider what is needed for the individual learner to be able to achieve the outcome in the unit of competency or accredited course.

The Standards for RTOs require that when RTOs take these decisions, they consider three key aspects:

  1. the existing knowledge and skills of the learners;
  2. the mode of delivery used; and
  3. if the RTO is delivering part of a qualification.



The unit - CPCCBC4005A - Produce labour and material schedules for ordering is a core unit in the Certificate IV in Building and Construction and both learner groups are required to complete the unit. One of the elements from the unit is:

2. Produce material and labour schedules, overlays and orders.

2.1. Nominated suppliers and contractors are detailed in work schedules.

2.2. Relevant overlay drawings are produced.

2.3. Orders include contract details and instructions.

2.4. Contract rates are applied to material and labour schedules.

Newton Baga has taken the following approach to amount of training for each of the groups. The new entrants to the qualification have no experience in this area and have approximately 60 hours of training. This is made up of:

The group also has the option of attending the mentor sessions however this is not a compulsory activity and so is not included in the amount of training.

The BIG Builder supervisors complete this activity on every project that they work on. The consultation with BIG Building has determined that this unit would be completed by RPL, therefore the amount of training is nil. As the assessment for the supervisor group is undertaken gap training can be undertaken if needed.

In summary

Each training and assessment strategy will be a unique reflection of the way the RTO will deliver and assess a training product to meet the needs of industry and the specific target group.

When RTOs develop a strategy document:

Components of the training and assessment strategy

* There are a small number of Training Packages that are still to be transitioned to the Standards for National Training Packages 2012. These Training Packages include Assessment Guidelines rather than Assessment Requirements. Assessment Guidelines cover the qualifications required by assessors, the design of assessment processes and guidelines for assessment management. Assessment guidelines explain the industry's preferred approach to assessment.

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