Hacer Conjugation: How to Conjugate “To Make, To Do” in Spanish

Hacer (Meaning: to make, to do) is one of the most common and versatile verbs in the Spanish language. The conjugation of hacer in the present tense is: Yo hago (I make, do), tú haces (you make, do), él/ella/usted hace (he, she makes/does; you make, do), nosotros hacemos (we make, do), vosotros hacéis (you make, do), ellos/ellas/ustedes hacen (you/they make, do).

The Spanish verb hacer (to make, to do), is an irregular ER verb. The verb is irregular because its stem in the first-person singular (yo) form is different to other regular ER verbs. This page on our site covers Spanish ER verbs in detail.

This page provides hacer conjugation charts with example sentences (see below) in the following most commonly used verb tenses:

Hacer conjugation table

Hacer conjugation table

How to use hacer

Hacer is an essential verb for the beginner to learn as the language uses it in many everyday situations and expressions.

1. Weather

Use hacer when talking about the weather. For example:

2. Time durations

Use hacer to express how long an action has been occurring. For example:

The from desde hace also works for answering this question:

3. Expressions and idioms with hacer

The Spanish language employs hacer in many expressions and idioms. For example:

Hacer (to make, do) conjugation in 12 tenses in the first-person singular (yo) form.

Hacer conjugation charts

Present tense (presente de indicativo)

Translations for yo hago in the present tense include “I make”, “I do”, “I am making” and “I am doing”.

yo hagoI make, doYo hago mi tarea.I do my homework.
tú hacesyou make, doTú haces tu cama. You make your bed.
él/elle, usted hacehe, she makes/does; you make/doÉl hace un viaje con su family. He takes a trip with his family.
nosotros hacemoswe make, doNosotros hacemos una pizza. We make a pizza.
vosotros hacéisyou make, doVosotros hacéis daño al medio ambiente.You are harming the environment.
ellos/ellas, ustedes hacenthey, you make, doEllos hacen ejercicio.They work out.

Progressive present (presente progresivo)

The Spanish progressive tense combines the present tense of estar (to be) and the present participle. Yo estoy haciendo translates to “I am making” or “I am doing”.

yo estoy haciendoI am making, doingYo estoy haciendo mi trabajo. I'm doing my work.
tú estás haciendoyou are making, doingTú estás haciendo ejercicio. You are working out.
él/ella, usted está haciendohe/she is making, doing; You are making, doingElla está haciendo un pastel.She is making a cake.
nosotros estamos haciendowe are making, doingNosotros estamos haciendo pan.We are making bread.
vosotros estáis haciendoyou are making, doingVosotros estáis haciendo un viaje a Málaga.You are taking a trip to Malaga.
ellos/ellas, ustedes están haciendothey, you are making, doingEllos están haciendo el desayuno.They are making breakfast.

Near future (futuro inmediato)

The near future tense consists of the present tense of ir (to go) followed by the preposition a and an infinitive. Yo voy a hacer translates to “I am going to make” and “I am going to do”.

yo voy a hacerI'm going to make, doYo voy a hacer las galletas. I'm going to make the cookies.
tú vas a haceryou are going to make, doTú vas a hacer un bocadillo.You are going to make a sandwich.
él/ella, usted va a hacerhe/she is going to make do; you are going to make, doElla va a hacer un viaje con sus niños.She is going to take a trip with her kids.
nosotros vamos a hacerwe are going to make, doNosotros vamos a hacer una pelicula.We are going to make a movie.
vosotros vais a haceryou are going to make, doVosotros vais a hacer al maestro.You are going to pay attention the teacher.
ellos/ellas, ustedes van a hacerthey, you are going to make, doEllos van a hacer una paella española.They are going to make a Spanish paella.

Future tense (futuro)

In the future tense, yo haré translates to “I will make” and “I will do”.

yo haréI will make, doYo haré una fiesta por los niños.I will make a party for the kids.
tú harásyou will make, do¿Qué harás a Colombia?What will you do in Colombia?
él/ella, usted haráhe/she/you will make, doÉl hará caso a sus amigos. He will listen to his friends.
nosotros haremoswe will make, doNosotros haremos un viaje a los Alpes franceses.We will take a trip to the French Alps.
vosotros haréisyou will make, doVosotros haréis las tapas por los invitados.You will make tapas for the guests.
ellos/ellas, ustedes haránthey/you will make, doEllos harán los postres por el banquete.They will make deserts for the banquet.

Preterite (pretérito)

The preterite tense is used to express past actions which occurred at defined times. Yo hice translates to “I make” and “I did”.

yo hiceI make, didYo hice el helado. I made the ice cream.
tú hicisteyou made, did¿Qué hiciste ayer?What did you do yesterday?
él/ella, usted hizohe/she/you made, didUsted hizo los churros mexicanos.You made Mexican fritters.
nosotros hicimoswe made, didNosotros hicimos las tortillas de harina.We made flour tortillas.
vosotros hicisteisyou made, didVosotros hicisteis una lasaña.You made a lasagna.
ellos/ellas, ustedes hicieronthey/you made, didEllos hicieron un viaje a Asunción.They took a trip to Asunción.

Present perfect indicative (perfecto de indicativo)

The present perfect indicative tense combines the present tense of haber (to have) with the past participle. Yo he hecho translates to “I have made” and “I have done”.

yo he hechoI have made, doneYo he hecho progresos últimamente.I have made a lot of progress recently.
tú has hechoyou have made, done¿Qué has hecho hoy?What have you done today?
él, ella, usted ha hechohe/she has made, done; you have made, doneÉl no ha hecho nada ayer.He didn't do anything yesterday.
nosotros hemos hechowe have made, doneNosotros hemos hecho muchísimas actividades este verano.We have done a lot of activities this summer.
vosotros habéis hechoyou have made, done¿Qué habéis hecho últimamente?What have you done recently?
ellos/ellas, ustedes han hechothey/you have made, doneEllos han hecho los postres por la cena.They have made the desserts for the dinner.

Imperfect (imperfecto de indicativo)

The imperfect tense is used to describe past action which occurred repeatedly at undefined times. Yo hacía translates to “I was making/doing”, “I used to make/do”, “I made” and “I did”.

yo hacíaI used to make/do, was making/doing, made, didYo hacía caso a los adultos cuando era niño. I used to listen to adults when I was a child.
tú hacíasyou used to make/do, were making/doing, made, did¿Qué hacías cuando te llamé?What where you doing when I called?
él/ella, usted hacíahe/she/you used to make/do, was (were) making/doing, made, didElla hacía su tarea cuando papá llegó. She was doing her homework when dad arrived.
nosotros hacíamoswe used to make/do, were making/doing, made, didNosotros hacíamos una pizza cuando saliste. We were making a pizza when you left.
vosotros hacíaisyou used to make/do, were making/doing, made, didVosotros hacíais galletas cuando erais jovenes.You used to make cookies when you were young.
ellos/ellas, ustedes hacíanthey/you used to make/do, were making/doing, make, didEllos hacían los deberes cuando mamá llamó.They were doing homework when mom called.

Conditional (potential simple)

The conditional tense is used to express hypothetical actions. Yo haría translates to “I would make” and “I would do.

yo haríaI would make, doYo haría mi trabajo si fuera más disciplinado.I'd do my work if I were more disciplined.
tú haríasyou would make, do¿Qué harías si tuviera más dinero?What would you do if you had more money?
él/ella, usted haríahe/she/you would make, doElla haría un pastel si tuviera los ingredientes.She's make a cake if she had the indredients.
nosotros haríamoswe would make, doNosotros haríamos un viaje si tuviéramos el día libre.We'd take a trip if we had the day off.
vosotros haríaisyou would make, doVosotros haríais un viaje en España si tuvierais vuestros pasaportes.You'd take a trip to Spain if you had your passports.
ellos/ellas, ustedes haríanthey/you would make doEllos harían una pizza si tuvieran el queso.They'd make a pizza if they had the cheese.

Present subjunctive (presente de subjuntivo)

The subjunctive mood is used to express wishes, emotions and doubts. Yo haga translates to “I make” and “I do”.

yo hagaI make, doEs importante que haga un esfuerzo.It's important that I make an effort.
tú hagasyou make, doEstoy feliz que hagas tu trabajo. I'm happy you're doing your work.
él/ella usted hagahe/she makes, does; you make, doEs dudoso que él haga caso. It's doubtful that he's paying attention.
nosotros hagamoswe make, doÉl quiere que hagamos una fiesta.He wants us to throw a party.
vosotros hagáisyou make, doEs mejor que vosotros hagáis un viaje a Costa Rica. It's better that you take a trip to Costa Rica.
ellos/ellas, ustedes haganthey/you make, doEs importante que ellos hagan la comida.It's important that they make the meal.

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David is a lifelong student and teacher of languages. When he's not working on this website, he's watching Spanish TV, practicing Spanish with the people in his community, hiking, biking or skiing.

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¡Hola! My name is David Issokson. I'm based in Victor, Idaho (near Jackson, Wyoming). I am here to help you throughout your adventures learning Spanish!