Frequently Asked Questions

Jagriti Yatra is a 15-day long national train journey that covers 8000 kilometers across the length and breadth of India. Every year, from November 16th to December 1st it takes 500 highly motivated youngsters (with some participation of international students), selected from thousands of applicants, to meet inspiring role models of india. The aim is Building India through Enterprise with India's youth by exposing them to individuals and institutions that are developing unique solutions to Indias's challengs. Through this national event we have begun to inspire youth to lead and create enterprise solutions.

What are the starting & ending destinations?

The yatra starts in Mumbai and ends in Mumbai. The selected Yatris are expected to make their own arrangements for reaching Mumbai, and book their return journeys from Mumbai.

Who can apply for the Yatra? Is there an eligibility-criterion?

Anyone over 21 years of age can apply for the Yatra. We have two categories of Yatris:

Participant: Youth between 21-27 years of age.
Facilitators: Experienced professinals above 28 years of age.

I am not highly qualified, am not a degree holder, can apply?

Selections are not based on educational qualifications. To select a Yatri, we do not look at exam results: rather we consider abilities, motivations and values of the candidates. We consider the candidates ability to think creatively their understanding of India's pressing problems, and the commitment and approach to solving these.

Do I need to be an entrepreneur to apply for the Yatra?

Not necessarily. The Yatra seeks to inspire individuals who have the potential and motivation to become an entrepreneur, but they may not necessarily already be an entrepreneur. The Yatra also seeks to empower individuals who wish to build India through their professions and work spheres.

I come from non-urban India, do I stand a chance?

Our vision is to inspire young Indians from rural India typically from non-urban regions. We have had candidates from semi-urban & rural India from almost all the states of our country. These Yatris were not necessarily highly qualified or very comfortable with English but had the fire to be the change and they made most of the experiences and learning's they gathered during the Yatra, we have ex-Yatris from non-urban regions, who have started small ventures on their own and are successful too!

Where will I stay during the Yatra?

On the train. The organizing team, volunteers and the support staff live in the tarin for all 15 days. The team assign compartments to the Yatris befor they borad the train. Male and female candidates are in separate bogies. The bogies are so assigned that the team and the volunteers are placed in between the male and female candidates bogies organising.

I am a girl and wish to come for the Yatra. How safe will the Yatra be for me?

Safety of all on the train is our prime concern. Remember, you are one among almost 200 like-minded women from various parts of our country. Other than the participants of the Yatra, we have women, volunteers and team members on the train as well. Our security staff includes women security staff for each women bogie. Male and female candidates are in separate bogies and both have separate bathing facilities. in the words of a Yatri who participated in the 2008 Yatra "As a woman participant, at no time did feel unsafe or threatened it is incredible that after being together on the train for just 1-2 days such a spirit of camaraderie develops that everyone looks out for each other and is willing to go out of theinway to help each other".

Are their any Medical facilities on train?

Yes a group of doctors is always on board along with basic medications. However in case of any specific challenges please carry your medications and inform the JY Yatra.

I am interested to join the Yatra. How do I apply for it?

To join the Yatra you need to fill up an application form. You can log onto the website: ,and hit in personal details and answer a few questions. Applications are accepted in English/Hindi only. Please note that there is fee for applying for the Yatra, registration fee is 100 INR non refundable and scholarships are available for deserving candidates who get selected for the Yatra. We select 500 candidates You could be one among them: so hurry! submit your application at the earliest.

Office Address

Jagriti Yatra Bungalow No.12, Trupti Villa, Basant Garden Bungalows CHS.Ltd, V.N.Purav Marg, Chembur Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Important Notice

Amidst this current calamity, the onus is on us more than ever to keep pushing the message of hope and human development. The collective decision has been taken to move ahead with our plans to conduct Jagriti Yatra 2022, a journey of hope and positivity bringing the best of both worlds together.

We realize that this is a very sombre time for the nation and all of us as a people, but we are at an inflexion point. We let ourselves be beaten to the brow by the economic devastation it has left in its wake, or rise up to the occasion, remember the pledge we took to build this country through enterprise and spread the positivity of hope and the act upon the drive to succeed against all odds will allow us to defeat this invisible enemy. At the same time, we cannot be unsafe and irresponsible.

With an eye towards the future and an ear listening to advise by the experts, we have taken the decision to traverse the route again.