Palm Beach County commissioners vote to submit Phase 2 reopening plan to Gov. DeSantis

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) — After hours of heated public comment, Palm Beach County commissioners voted 4-2 in approval of moving forward with a Phase 2 reopening plan.

The two commissioners who voted against moving into Phase 2 are Robert Weinroth and Hal Valeche. However, the reason behind their opposition to the motion is that they want the county to reopen faster rather than in stages.

The city manager will now write the letter to send to the governor requesting the county to enter phase two.

Since May 11, the county has been in Phase 1 due to its high coronavirus numbers. But with those on the decline, Palm Beach County believes it's ready for the next level.

A letter will be sent to Gov. Ron DeSantis for final approval, requesting the county opens no later than Sept. 8, but the final date will ultimately be at the governor's discretion. The plan also recommends the School District of Palm Beach County consider reopening schools three to four weeks after the county enters Phase 2. However, the final decision rests with the School Board and is expected to be addressed at Wednesday's meeting.

“By moving to Phase two, we do not mean to imply that the COVID-19 pandemic is over,” County Administrator Verdenia Baker said.

According to Baker, the plan is meant to minimize exposure to what she calls “The 3 C’s” - closed spaces, crowded places, and close contact settings.

Dozens of people opposed to the staged reopening plan showed up at Tuesday’s meeting for lively public comment.

Emotions ran high as speakers appealed to the commission to adopt a full Phase 2 plan and allow businesses to open faster.

Several speakers wore shirts reading “WTF Kerner.” One even wore a body camera claiming her constitutional rights could be violated.

At one point, the crowd became so heated, guards had to usher the public out as some speakers screamed and refused to sit down.

Before public comment, commissioners heard from Dr. Alonso, the head of the Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County, and Ramsay Bulkeley, the Executive Director for the county’s Planning Zoning and Building Department who heads up the county’s compliance team.

Bulkeley says the biggest problem so far has been restaurants staying open past the 11 p.m. curfew.

In response, Vice Mayor Weinroth suggested relaxing the county’s curfew for restaurants, and allowing those businesses to stay open until midnight.

The County Administrator is expected to draft an executive order to change the restaurant closure hours from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. throughout the county.

The county’s mask mandate is still in effect, along with social distancing and other orders in accordance with CDC guidelines.

Palm Beach County Mayor Kerner said he will be meeting with the governor on Thursday.